About Us
AED works in partnership with service users, other disability and community agencies, trade unions, employers and government to:
- Protect the human, civil and legal rights of people with disability;
- Empower employees with a disability who experience workplace discrimination or disadvantage;
- Promote the inclusion and participation of people with a disability in employment, education and training;
- Empowering students and their families in addressing barriers to education; and
- Increase community awareness and promote better community attitudes towards people with a disability.
Barriers to Employment
AED Legal Practitioners are experienced in assisting clients deal with many of the barriers they face in employment. People with disability may face barriers that include:
- Discrimination
- Employers attitudes to disability - risks, OH&S concerns
- Poor physical access to workplaces
- Employees 'masking' their disability
- Lack of accessible transport
- Need for workplace modifications
- Job design (inflexible)
- Multi-skilling
- Poor understanding / management of disability
Barriers to Education
Students with a disability experience many barriers to education including:
- Access to buildings
- Lack of available options
- Poor information to prospective students
- Insufficient funding for support services
- Inflexible curriculum
- Need for aids and technical equipment