
AED Legal Centre provides:

  • Legal advocacy including legal representation in the state/federal justice system for individuals who have been discriminated against in education or employment on account of their disability
  • Systemic advocacy projects aimed at improving employment, wages and working conditions of employees with disability
  • Assistance and support with 'whole life issues' that have an impact on education and employment
  • NDIS Appeals Program – legal advocacy for NDIS participants who want a review of an NDIA decision by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)
  • The Night of Justice Program, a legal advisory service every Wednesday night from 6:30pm. The service is staffed by volunteering law students and private lawyers working under the supervision of our Senior Legal Practitioner.
  • The Student Placement Program for law students enrolled in law schools at Victorian universities.



AED Legal Centre give priority to the following cases:

  • Unlawful termination of employment
  • Jobs in jeopardy
  • Special modifications in the workplace
  • Wages and working conditions
  • Disclosure of disability
  • Bullying or harassment
  • Cases that are in the public interest

AED believes in the right to quality education by children with a disability in primary, secondary and tertiary settings.

We give priority cases involving students who experience exclusion or discrimination in accessing or participating in education.



AED provides its services in accordance with its Privacy Policy and will follow the guidelines of the Australian Privacy Principles in its information management practices.

 AED will ensure that:

▪ it meets its legal and ethical obligations as an employer and service provider in relation to protecting the privacy of clients and organisational personnel.

▪ clients are provided with information about their rights regarding privacy.

▪ clients and organisational personnel are provided with privacy when they are being interviewed or discussing matters of a personal or sensitive nature.

▪ all staff, Committee members and volunteers understand what is required in meeting these obligations.

 This policy conforms to the Federal Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles which govern the collection, use and storage of personal information.

 If you would like a copy of the policy please ring the AED office on (03) 9639 4333.

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(03) 9639 4333

Level 9
45 William Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000

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